The Town’s Master Plan survey is only available for the next five days, until May 12, 2024. Be sure to make your voice heard by filling out the Master Plan Survey here!
If you are unfamiliar with the Town’s Master Plan updating process, this new website page is a great way to learn more information! You can also watch this promotional video put on by Salem Community Television and Jacob LaFontaine, the Town’s Planning Director, for more background on the survey!
The Town of Salem is currently updating its Master Plan and has established a Master Plan Steering Committee and selected a consultant, Utile Design out of Boston, MA, to guide this process.
The Master Plan Steering Committee (MPSC) has two upcoming events. Mark your calendars for each of these!
- A regular MPSC meeting on Wednesday, May 22 at 6 pm at the Salem High School Media Center (44 Geremonty Drive)
- An special MPSC public workshop on Thursday, May 30 at 6 pm at the Ingram Senior Center (1 Sally Sweets Way)
Finally, please see the below infographic that you can share with your family, friends, and neighbors regarding what the Master Plan is and how to make your voice heard as a part of the process.