The Regional Economic Development Center (REDC) recently published their 2024 updated Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Report. The REDC is a regional nonprofit development corporation serving the Southern NH area in a variety of ways including promoting economic development, providing business development services, and being an alternative source of business lending.
One of the duties of the REDC is to provide an updated CEDS report annually for the region. This report is useful in providing the public and the region’s communities with the current state of the region’s economy and updates on significant planned infrastructure and business development coming in the future. Being a part of the CEDS annual updating process assists communities when seeking out grants and other funding opportunities.
This 2024 report includes updated data on the status of several regional priorities, including:
- Housing (p. 11-15),
- Workforce attraction and retention (p. 16-22),
- Childcare (p. 23),
- Utilities and infrastructure (p. 24-32), and
- Community vibrancy (p. 33-37)
Information on the region’s approach to resiliency and recovery (p. 38-41), changes in the region related to demographics and economic data (p. 42-50), and the overall economic outlook (p. 51-58) are also described in respective chapters of the report.
Finally, the report includes a catalog of various priority projects significant to the region. Notably, two projects were recently added to the regional priority projects list from Salem. The Master Plan update and the new Police Station project were added as a part of the 2024 update. Salem also has updates to its three already existing projects in the CEDS report: the Salem Bike-Pedestrian Corridor, Tuscan Village, and the Tuscan Off-Site Infrastructure (including the Depot).
All of this information and additional data is compiled and provided in the 2024 CEDS update linked here.
On top of writing the CEDS report annually, the REDC also provides advising, funding, and support to new and existing companies that have challenges accessing traditional financing in New Hampshire. Check out the REDC website for more information on how they can help your business: