Roy Sorenson, Municipal Services Director, in a final exit interview with SCTV, recapped his wonderful career with the Town of Salem, NH.
He reflects on some of the Community Projects his department has worked on, like the Depot and the Bike-Ped Corridor. But when Roy talked about his involvement with the Salem non-profits, that’s where he spoke with the most passion. He is very proud of the work the Municipal Services Department has done with the Old Town Hall, Cannons in Veterans Park, and the Depot’s new green space w/ accompanying seasonal and patriotic banners. The Town wishes him well at his next job as Town Administrator in Hudson, NH! Watch the video on SCTV by clicking below!
Roy Sorenson’s farewell party was also held last week where many community members, elected officials, and Town staff had the opportunity to wish Roy farewell and the best of luck. The Historical Society also had a presentation for Roy. Watch the recap video below!