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Draft Master Plan Public Workshop Recap & Final Survey Now Open – September 20, 2024 Update

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Town of Salem, NH

On September 18, 2024, the Salem Master Plan Steering Committee (MPSC) held a public workshop and presented the major draft Master Plan concepts, big moves, supporting strategies, and vision areas. The attendees of the workshop were able to view various boards and speak with the MPSC members, Utile Design, and Town staff on the various proposals. These materials are explained and linked below.

Draft Vision Statement: After collecting public input, the below Draft Vision Statement was created to encompass the various elements of the Master Plan so far.

Salem will continue to offer the best of the small town experience while welcoming balanced growth and sensible public investment to enhance quality of life.

Salem will do this by cultivating a more vibrant and connected Town Center that reinforces civic pride and community, surrounded by beautiful natural spaces and residential neighborhoods that offer safety, stability, and quality of life for residents at every income and stage of life.

For more information on how this draft vision statement was developed and more about the key issues and opportunities, please view Board 3.

Draft Plan Four Pillars Framework: The Draft Plan Framework is visualized in the below graphic (Board 6). The four major pillars include: Mixed Use Core, Missing Middle Edges, Gathering Spaces, and Town Connectors. Please note that these elements are draft and are subject to change.

Mixed Use Core Focus on higher density-mixed use development along the Broadway corridor (and deter elsewhere).

    • Big Move: Expand boundaries and update the design standards of the Depot Overlay District to encourage walkable mixed use development and workforce housing along Broadway.
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Create Neighborhood-Scale Mixed-Use Corridor Zoning along Main St.
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Tie Public Amenities and Infrastructure Investment to Development
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Cultivate Job-Rich Commercial and Industrial Development Along I-93
    • Design Standards and Incentives for the Potential Expanded Depot Overlay District: To view some of these potential changes, view Board 8 and provide your feedback in the survey linked at the beginning of this article.

For more detail about the Mixed-Use Core framework, please view Board 7 and Board 8 from the public workshop meeting.

Missing Middle Edges (Housing) – Expand housing options that match Salem household sizes and budgets, especially near the Mixed Use Core.

    • Big Move: North Broadway Multi-family District. Update zoning along Broadway north of Depot to encourage multi-family housing options that are compatible with the existing scale of residences surrounding the corridor.
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Introduce a Working Housing Variety Standard
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Enable Missing Middle Housing Types in Town Center Walkshed
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Establish a Housing Opportunity Zone in Salem
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Promote Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) Townwide
    • Missing Middle Housing Types and Suggested Updates to Salem’s Existing ADU Zoning: To view some of these potential changes, view Board 10 and provide your feedback in the survey linked at the beginning of this article.

For more detail about the Missing Middle Edges (Housing) framework, please view Board 9 and Board 10 from the public workshop meeting.

Gathering Spaces – Invest in beautification and infrastructure to reinforce community gathering spaces outside Tuscan Village.

    • Big Move: Cultivate the Historic Town Center as a counterweight and complement to Tuscan Village. This could include redesigning the intersection to enhance pedestrian access and safety, and pursuing design updates to promote increased use and programmatic activation of Veterans Park / Salem Common.
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Continue to Invest in Depot as a Historic & Recreational Asset
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: North Salem Historic Town Center / Arlington Pond Pocket Park
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Enhance and Expand Parks and Open Spaces
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Multi-Generational Consolidated Community Center and Services

For more detail about the Gathering Spaces framework, please view Board 11 from the public workshop meeting.

Town Connectors – Create a safe sidewalk and bicycle infrastructure network connecting Salem public spaces, gathering places, and amenities.

    • Big Move: Complete the Rail Trail. Work to complete the Rail Trail through the full length of its proposed alignment through Salem with improved, safe crossings of all vehicular roads, particularly Broadway (Route 28).
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Main Street Pedestrian Crossings
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Geremonty Drive Multi-Use Path
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: North-South Bicycle Connection
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: East-West Bicycle Connection
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Create and Implement a Complete Streets Policy
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Provide Dedicated Parking for Rail Trail on Broadway (Route 28)
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Develop Town Gateway and Wayfinding Program
    • Potential Supporting Strategy: Explore Feasibility of Enhanced Transit Service

For more detail about the Town Connectors framework, please view Board 12 from the public workshop meeting.

Draft Vision Focus Areas: The Draft Vision Focus Areas include the Depot and the Historic Town Center and potential enhancements are visualized and ideas are included in Board 13 and Board 14 for the Depot and Board 15 and Board 16 for the Historic Town Center. Please note that these elements are draft and are subject to change.

To view some of these potential changes, view the boards linked above and provide your feedback in the survey linked here.

Next Steps: The Master Plan Steering Committee will receive all feedback provided in the survey linked here. This survey will be available through mid-October.

At the next Steering Committee meeting on November 20, the written Draft Plan will be presented, feedback will be reviewed, and opportunity for refinement will be available. Another meeting is planned for December 11 for final Master Plan refinements prior to approval in early 2025.

Please stay up to date on the Master Plan by frequently checking back to the Town’s Master Plan page:

On this page, you can learn more about the ‘Why?’ of the Master Plan, can review prior meeting materials and recordings links, and more!

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